Hi! Welcome to Kansas City Crafty! I’m Nicky.
I’ve been making things since I was little, following in the footsteps of my mom who was always sewing and my dad, the carpenter. My mom supplemented what I learned in my high school sewing class, and also taught me to embroider. In college, I bought a book on knitting and something clicked. Soon scarves were flowing. A couple of years later I fell in love with the intricate amigurumis I saw all over the internet, so I took up crocheting too.
I dabble in tecnology as well, occasionally embroidering simple circuits with conductive thread or learning to light up LEDs for fun. Nothing is off limits.
When I was little, I had a zoo of stuffed animals, and still have a soft spot for them. In 2010, I discovered the amazing designer “toys” artists were making for collectors out of vinyl and cloth. The incredible characters and grown up designs inspired me to start getting some of the creatures in my head out into the world. I’m no artist; I just love color, character art, and working with my hands.
I hail from Kansas City, MO, where I live with my finace and our two dogs. I am madly in love with the city, though not with our death of public transportation. When I’m not making little monsters, I can be found climbing on a trapeze and aerial silks, or occasionally bartending.